DJcargo smart inventory system helps customer tracking the cargo from start to end process, its can checking freight price, cargo receiving status, transporting, and every step during procedure, it brightly to see how your cargo shipping through us. use WeChat to follow our public account, register and login, it can receive auto reminder from our system. so before you use DJcargo service, register an account is a good choice, following is a guideline of how to register and use
djcargo inventory

Open link to register account step

1. Open your browser type, click register button, into next step

registration link
At registration panel, fill down your account info
Account name* :  (account name use english alphabet and number, no space,  marks <>,./ | \ {}[]!@#$%^&*() not allowed )
Phone number*:
Recommend user (no recommend, empty it )
registration step

2. Once you have done registration, tell us know your account name, and shipping mark, your account will soon be activated, then you can login your account

enter username, password, verification code

3. login, dashboard, your account info, see CS representative, China warehouse address, done registration

done registration

Use WeChat public account to register account step

1. Use your cell phone WeChat app to scan QRC, follow DJcargo public account

WeChat register an account

2. You will see dialog panel, click 我的物流 to open registration session

wechat registration

3. Click register "立即注册"

click registration

4. Fill down your account info
Account name*:  (account name use english alphabet and number, no space, marks <>,./ | \ {}[]!@#$%^&*() not allowed )
Phone number*:
Recommend user (no recommend, empty it )


5. After submitted registration, then you should send message to us to activate your account, tell your account name

ask activate account

Once account activated, then you can login your account. you can register and login an account through wechat public function, as well as laptop website menus are the same, use wechat is more convenient

DJcargo Inventory Menu

Login your inventory, you could see your account info in dashboard, same function in both WeChat and website
done registration

Add address

Menu (add address), this address is the oversea delivery address info, you can add more than two different addresses here, each time you make a shipment, you should select right delivery address info.
add address info

Check price

Menu(check price), this function is designed to check estimated freight price from China to many other countries, fill down your cargo info, select destination country to see estimated cost

price checking

Cargo received

Menu(cargo received), as long as your cargo into DJcargo warehouse, you could see your cargo info here, quantities, dimension, weight, picture..etc. there are some operational function you could use in this menu.

1. check in stock freight price
2. add packing list
3. make a shipment

how many cargo we received

– Check in stock cargo estimated freight price

select listed cargo info

select destination country

click (check price button)
check price

you should see estimated cost

estimated price

– add packing list

Before you make a shipment, you should add a packing list to each item of listed cargo, you can online add packing list, also can send packing list to us offline, send to our CS email or CS representative you liaise with.

1. move your mouse left click "+" symbol to add your goods info

add packing list

2. fill down goods name, quantities, unit price, total price, currency is RMB Chinese Yuan

add goods name quantity and price

– make a shipment

After you added packing list info to the listed info, you can make a shipment, if you are not aware of operating this session can ask your CS representative indicate you once, very simple and easy.

1. select listed item
2. left click ship now button


make a shipment

3. into next page to select and fill down some information, here goods name is unnecessary to write.

4. shipping terms is not important, it depends on how you made agreement with CS representative, Here shipping terms is to say that a logistics company plays what role participating in trading between buyer and seller

5. shipping method is to ask you want use what way to ship your cargo, by sea, by air, by truck, by train...etc

6. mode of shipping here is to ask what is your cargo type,  loosen cargo use LCL consolidation, full container volume, air cargo, or small parcel sea freight


7. select your destination country
select oversea delivery address
remark some info to us to pay special attention
if your membership points can exchange a gift, select one, we would free deliver to you
click 确定 shipment made, then into process

Unmarked claim

Menu(unmarked claim), here listed cargo may not belong yours, its happened by shipper or vendor forgetting comment shipping mark on cargo packages, we couldn't know who is the owner of the cargo. so list the cargo info here to all customer check and claim

Shipment record

Menu(shipment record), here is the shipment record, you can check your own shipment tracking status

shipping record

Left click this tracking number you will see tracking details


Menu(Announcement), here is the useful announcement you can take a look


Menu(Gift), gift session is for customer who use the inventory to self manage shipment